SEE Unit - Tools


Sparkwave is a solution for continuous pattern matching over RDF data streams. It is based on the Rete algorithm, which allows efficient and truly continuous processing of streamed data. Sparkwave leverages RDF schema information associated to data streams to compute entailments, so that implicit knowledge is taken into account for pattern matching. In addition, it supports time-based sliding window to cope with the streaming nature of processed data.

Web Services Modeling Toolkit (WSMT)

The Web Services Modeling Toolkit (WSMT) is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Semantic Web Services developed for the Eclipse framework. The WSMT aims to aid developers of Semantic Web Services through the WSMO paradigm, by providing a seamless set of tools to improve their productivity. The IDE focuses on three main areas, namely engineering of WSMO descriptions, creation of mediation mappings and interfacing with Semantic Execution Environments (SEEs) and external systems.

This software is made available under multiple licenses including GPL and LGPL.

Ontology Mapping Tool

The Ontology Mapping Tool (OMT) is an Eclipse plug-in part of the Web Service Modeling Toolkit (WSMT), designed to offer support for the semi-automatic creation of ontology mappings. OMT offers a set of features such as multiple ontology perspectives, mapping contexts, suggestions, bottom-up and top-down mapping strategies, etc. meant to reduce the domain export effort and to enhance the machine-assisted support. The mappings between ontologies are represented by using the Ontology Alignment Format and stored as mapping documents.

This software is made available under an LGPL license.


Web Services Execution Environment (WSMX) is a sample implementation of an execution enviroment for the Web Services Modeling Ontology (WSMO). WSMX Core is a release of the compiled core of WSMX, which act as a platform for and a manager of the individual components of WSMX that achieve the desired overall functionality. It coordinates the components and provides a series of administrative management functionality including connectivity to WSMT.

WSMX is available under the LGPL license

WSMX Integration API

The WSMX Integration API is a collection of libraries required for the integration of loosely coupled components with the main WSMX system. Components must implement interfaces from the provided infomodel to make this integration possible.

This software is made available under the LGPL License.

WSMX Components

Web Services Execution Environment (WSMX) is a sample implementation of the Web Services Modelling Ontology (WSMO). WSMX Components is a release of the compiled versions of the current components available for WSMX. The components can be plugged into the WSMX Core.

This software is made available under the LGPL License.

WSMX Data Mediation Component (Instance Transformation)

The Instance Transformation Engine for Data Mediation is a run-time engine capable of performing instance transformation for given pairs of ontologies based on a given set of mappings. These mappings are represented as statements in the Ontology Alignment Format which assures the ontology representation language neutrality. By applying different grounding mechanism, the same set of abstract mappings can be used in different mediation scenarios using different reasoning systems. The tool has been designed to be used as a WSMX component but nevertheless it is available in WSMT as part of a testing environments for ontology alignments as well.

This software is made available under an LGPL license.